Thursday the Philadelphia Gay News web site released a wide ranging interview with Hillary Clinton. She needs a strong win in the April 22 Pennsylvania primary to keep her candidacy alive and she hopes LGBT voters will help boost her margin of victory. The interview covers topics as varied as same-sex marriage, immigration policy, the execution of gay people in the Middle East and Africa, “Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell,” gay youth and gay seniors, and more. What’s missing? Any outreach to the LGBT press from her rival Barack Obama. The Obama campaign continues to shrug off repeated requests from the LGBT press for an interview with the candidate, despite (according to PGN Publisher Mark Segal) pressure from Sen. Bob Casey, PA, who just gave his highly sought after endorsement to Obama. To make the point that Obama is ignoring gay media, PGN left a huge section of it’s print edition Page One blank. Reportedly, Casey is stressing the fact that the LGBT vote is a critical part of the cooalition the Democratric Party will need to win in November and Obama needs to court it, not ignore.сайтсайты интернет магазинов