crossposted on Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters

It's a story that you have probably already heard about but it bears repeating.

It seems that the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy is creating a bit of a conundrum in the McCain house.

Cindy McCain, the woman who would have been First Lady if her husband, Sen. John McCain, had won the 2008 presidential election, recently took part in an ad campaign from the NOH8 campaign, group formed in response to Proposition 8, the California ballot measure that banned same-sex marriage. The ad included other celebrities explaining why there is a problem with lgbt youth suicide, listing the ways in which society has told these youth that they are second class citizens:

Mrs. McCain says in the ad, which features her alongside celebrities such as Denise Richards and Gene Simmons. “They can't serve our country openly.”

After other speakers suggest that laws which limit the rights of gay Americans reinforce that derogatory treatment of them is acceptable, Cindy McCain asks rhetorically, “Our government treats the LGBT community like second class citizens — why shouldn't they?”


It was admirable for all of these celebrities, McCain included to do this ad. But the problem is that her husband, John McCain, has been very vocal in efforts to filibuster legislation that would end DADT.

During the last repeal effort, John McCain defended the policy, even at the point of snapping at reporter who challenged him about the military's history of distorting the policy to seek out and dismiss lgbt troops. This happened in September:

As far as I know, no one has asked the McCains about their very public opposite stances to DADT.

But wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall of at least one of their houses when the issue comes up between the two?

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