Todd Crump

The North Texas GLBT Chamber of Commerce recently hired Todd Crump as its development director.

Crump will serve part-time as he completes a doctoral degree in public affairs from the University of Texas at Dallas, according to a written statement from the Chamber.

“We are excited and proud to have someone with Todd’s knowledge and experience in this position,” the chamber’s president, Leo Cusimano, said.

A graduate of Leadership Dallas, Crump recently served as vice-chair of volunteers for the Greater Dallas Chamber’s Leader Advisory Council. He has served on the boards of the Dallas Museum of Natural History, the Bishop Arts Merchants’ Association and Planned Parenthood of Amarillo.

The GLBT chamber comprises 380 members. Corporate sponsors include American Airlines, Brinker Inter-national, Dallas Voice, Deloitte, Expressive Arts Inc., SRJ Marketing Commun-ications, Lambda Pages and Texas Instruments.

From Staff Reports

Longtime HIV doctor retires

Dr. David Brand has announced his plans to retire on June 30.

A retirement party will be held for Brand and his partner, George Anderson, upstairs at J.R.’s on June 25 from 4 p.m. to 7p.m.

The couple plans to leave Dallas in September. to spend winters in Florida and summers in New Hampshire.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, June 23, 2006. wmhackerреклама такси на радио