Robert Emery

Coalition for Aging LGBT presents array of resources for aging

DAVID TAFFET | Senior Staff Writer

“We want to get passed this fear the LGBT community has on aging,” said Robert Emery, president of Coalition for Aging LGBT. “Aging is a natural part of life.”

As a way to help people in the LGBTQ community accept and enjoy the natural aging process, CfA is holding its 5th Annual Summit on LGBT Aging from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday, April 30 at Senior Source on Harry Hines Boulevard.

CfA focuses on advocacy, lobbying and hosting social engagements. But, Emery said, if you only attend one of his organization’s events, this is the one. “This conference is about sharing resources with the 300,000 LGBT seniors in our four-county area,” he explained.

Aging for members of the LGBTQ community may look different than it does for others. A high percentage have no children or family support, for example. Yet often care for an elderly parent falls on the LGBTQ child, draining resources. As a generation that lived through the AIDS crisis, we buried our friends in their 20s and 30s and never expected to reach old age. So we made no preparations financially for aging.

Including people living with HIV, about 25 percent of LGBTQ seniors are living with a disability, a higher percent than the population in general. Marriage is still new for the LGBTQ community so even for those who planned, things changed once we could marry.

Faced with these obstacles, many members of the LGBTQ community have struggled their entire lives. But resources are available.

There are quite a few speakers and workshops fitted into the short four hours of the conference. State Rep. Jessica Gonzalez opens with a State of the State presentation. Spoiler alert: She calls last year’s marathon of special sessions grueling and has gained a national reputation as spokesperson and ringleader for Democrats who walked out and left the state to break quorum. She also got married during the first special session.

Presentors will be diverse, ranging from Resource Center CEO Cece Cox, who will present her organization’s affordable senior housing project, to a representative from the Dallas Police Department, who will teach some senior self-defense.

Dr. Julie Lindenberg will discuss transgender health. She is a nurse practitioner who currently practices at University of Texas Health Services in Houston.

Cathy Glenn, who does injury prevention trauma outreach with Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, will present two sessions. The first is Stop the Bleed, explaining what to do on the way to the emergency room.

Next she’ll address balance: “Falling is not a natural part of aging,” Emery said in explaining her presentation.

Senior Source CEO Renae Perry will address the vast number of resources available through Senior Source. Emery said her organization is an incredible partner for the Coalition.

Richard Oberton will talk about the resources available to the community through Visiting Nurses Association. And the many businesses geared to the senior sector of the LGBTQ community that are members of the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce is Chamber CEO Tony Vedda’s focus as he wraps up the conference for CfA.

Those attending can “get a ton of vital information for your well-being,” Emery said.

The conference is limited to 100 people. Once in-person registration closes out, CfA will add a virtual option to reach more people.

Emery encouraged attendees to arrive a little early to visit sponsor tables. He listed a long list of corporate sponsors and said, “Corporate sponsors are encouraged that this work is being done for LGBT seniors.” He said they not only made monetary donations but are sending volunteers.

Among non-profit sponsors, the Alzheimer’s Association will be available throughout the morning with information and resources.

Emery said there’s plenty of parking available. He said surface parking is limited, but attendees can drive up the unnamed street on the north side of the building to an enclosed garage. Volunteers will guide you in.

Senior Source is at 3910 Harry Hines Blvd. Register for the event at