By Daniel A. Kusner Life+Style Editor

Women’s softball spring season swings into action this weekend, giving left-fielder Stephanie Ware an outlet to flex her sporty skills

THE WAREWITHAL: Stephanie plays left fielder for B division team Briiing It. DANIEL A. KUSNER/Dallas Voice

Growing up in San Angelo, Stephanie Ware was an all-around jock. She’d team up with her brothers and the other neighborhood kids and play football and basketball. In junior high through high school, Ware also played volleyball and tennis, golfed and ran track.

Ware still has a competitive streak. During the day, she works as a servicing analyst for Prudential. But the North Texas Women’s Softball Association keeps Ware’s athletic skills sharp.

In 2007, she out-fielded for Get Ripped, the B division team that went to Phoenix to compete in the NAGAAA Gay Softball World Series. On Sunday, Ware will be in left field for the B division team Briiing It, which plays two games at Trinity Park in Irving.

Why did you first join softball? My first season was 1997. I joined because it was a gay league, and I could be myself — and to enjoy great times with friends.

Have your skills developed since ’97? I feel I am consistent with fielding and hitting.

Do have one play that you’ll remember for the rest of your life? Back in the ’90s — in Fort Worth. I was playing shortstop, and I got the ball. When I turned to throw to second base, my right leg didn’t pivot. And my ACL tore in half. I’ll never forget the pain.

But I still got her out!

If you didn’t play softball, what would do with your time instead? Join a gay golf league.

What percentage of women’s softball is mental versus physical? I think it’s 50/50.

How much does sheer strength have to do with softball? You need power to hit and strength to run.

North Texas Women’s Softball Association plays at Trinity View Park,
200 S Wildwood Dr. in Irving.
March 8, 2 p.m.-5 p.m.
Registration still open. NTWSA plays two seasons: Spring runs March 8-May 3.
Summer runs June 2-Aug. 2.
Individual fees, $40. Team fees, $300 for two seasons (plus $40 forfeit fee),
or $200 for one season
(plus $40 forfeit fee).

The flat-track roller derby phenomenon came from Texas’ weirdest city, Austin. And the documentary "Hell on Wheels" ($24.95, IndiePix) brilliantly captures the killer story of the Lone Star State’s resurrection of all-girl speed-skatin’ culture.

Director Bob Ray’s previous credit is "Rock Opera," which contained footage of an actual drag race — dudes in heels and wigs running their butts off. This time, Ray captures the derby craze’s infancy — when the overwhelming success of the indie enterprise results in a league clashing and then splitting in half: the Lonestar Rollergirls and the Texas Rollergirls.

"Hell on Wheels" is a mix of bad-ass athleticism, punk-rock sweat and drag queen creativity (the derby divas have names like "Betty Rage" and "Annie Social"). Along with hair-pulling fights, gnarly bone-breaking wipeouts and bitch-crazy drama, it’s arguably the finest documentary about 21st Century feminism.

— Daniel A. Kusner

Grade: B+

About 1,000 runners are expected to run a 10K race along the Big D’s embankment for the 5th annual Trinity River Levee Run. Along with Mayor Tom Leppert attending, Hooters waitresses and Marines will hand out water to the thirsty. This year, the course will slightly change. The course starts and ends at Trammel Crow Park, and there will be some running on the levee. But runners will also take Canada Drive to the Continental Avenue Bridge.

— D.A.K.

Trammel Crow Park, 3700 Sylvan Ave. March 7 at 8:30 a.m. Fee: $20 in advance, $25, day of race. proceeds will benefit the Trinity Commons Foundation.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition March 6, 2009.копирайтер спбреклама сайта знакомств