Grindr lovers take note: Cheating need not be physical to destroy trust

Cassie_8433-FINALThis wonderfully hot Texas summer is not so nice to a thick bitch. I have lived in Texas my whole life, yet the furnace-like temperatures still get to me sometimes. This summer alone, I have suffered from sunburn, sweat blindness and swamp ass. I will admit it: I am a pussy when it comes to the heat. And in drag it can be much worse. I wear at least a pound of makeup, huge, heavy wigs and an “ass” that can absorb a lake. If you have ever been in the dressing room at S4, you know that we could hang meat in there … and I still get hot. Maybe it’s menopause. Maybe I am just a drama queen.

Anyway, enough about me (Ha! As if!) and on to your questions.

Dearest Cassie, This may be a bit like asking if you ever rode a unicorn to the Dairy Queen, but I’ll ask anyways: Have you ever worked with a straight man that performed as a drag queen? Thanks, Bill.

Hey Bill Hey, We have yet to have a straight guy sign up to do the show, but we do get quite a few cross-dressers that come out to the club. A cross-dresser (as opposed to a drag queen or a trans woman) is usually a straight guy who enjoys dressing in women’s clothes. I know a straight couple that comes out to the shows and the husband is all decked out in fishy attire. I think his wife treats him like a life sized Barbie doll: She does his hair, makeup and picks out his dresses and shoes. They have a unique but very loving relationship. I would bet there are a lot of hetero guys that would love to do a drag show, but a majority of cross-dressers are content to just feel feminine. That is just one drag queen’s opinion. Thank ya kindly, Cassie.

While we are on the subject of couples, I have noticed a growing trend of unconventional couples. I know of quite a few, and I wanna give a shout-out to one of my favorites: Skyy O’Hara Paige and her partner Tiffany. Skyy is a gorgeous trans woman and Tiffany is a hot little female. I have known them both since before they got together and cannot picture them apart. There is a “new normal” out there, everyone, and it is all about love, not labels. Life is about loving who you love and having the courage to do so. Cheers, ladies!

OK, now more questions.

Hi all-knowing Cassie, Recently I was having an arguement with a group of friends where one of them believes you can be both humble and materialistic! What do you believe, shout-out, Benji! — Daniel.

Daniel, How dare you bother someone of my caliber with such ridiculousness? I have my own problems, the temperature of my pool has become too warm. Just kidding, but I do think it’s funny that you asked a drag queen about being humble. Seriously, you can be humble and still want nice things. I believe you can have balance with both. Thanks, Cassie.


Hey Cassie, So my boyfriend and I have been together for about two years. About a year ago, he looked through my phone and found that I had been flirting/sexting on apps like Grindr and Growlr. I haven’t physically cheated, but it’s understandable that he would still be somewhat distrustful and jealous. I had hoped I would have regained his trust by now by not hiding my phone, letting him check it whenever he likes and making sure that in my free time I am usually with family, or mutual friends so my whereabouts are known. How long do you think I should give it before I tell him he has to move on about the past? And do you have any suggestions for regaining his trust, and helping him to be less jealous?  Sincerely, Mr.Trustworthy.

Well Mr. TW,  You, my friend, are kind of an idiot. Trust is not something you really ever get back once it is lost. It’s like your virginity. When it’s gone. … You may not have physically cheated, but you did give him doubt. The ball is now in his court. If this relationship is important to you, then you need to keep playing by his rules. Relationships change and grow. Hopefully you both will continue to move forward. Don’t just tell him he is the only one, show him in your actions everyday. Don’t self-sabotage. And delete those devil apps! Good luck dummy, Cassie.

A few weeks ago, I said I would share some of my favorite drag stories. Here’s another one. One night during the show in the old Rose Room, the legendary Donna Day walked off stage after performing “Midnight Train to Georgia” with handfuls of tips. I said, “Damn girl, the audience loved that.” She said, “Of course they did, I’m Gladys Knight.” Without missing a beat I said, “I’m Gladys Knight too — drag queens look awful in the daytime.” It took her a second to get my very stupid joke, but when she did, she laughed so hard she fell out of her chair. I really miss that ol’ bitch!
Until next time, stay cool everybody. And if you get swamp ass, Gold Bond medicated powder works great.
Love more, bitch less and be fabulous, XOXO Cassie Nova.

If you have a question and want to suggest for Ask a Drag Queen — or just have some juicy gossip to share — email it to

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition August 22, 2014.