A Golden Age for Stephen King fans

e live in right now … especially if you are a Stephen King fan. Last night, I saw the new It movie. I loved it. The old-school made for TV miniseries was such a whitewashed version of the tale of the shapeshifting killer clown in Derry, Maine, who feeds off of children. The only good thing about the 1990 version was that Tim Curry did a very respectable job as Pennywise the clown. I hate that I always have to be “that guy” who says the book was so much better, but the book almost always is better.

I think diehard fans of the novel will love this new version. They kept enough of the original story that it felt nostalgic but changed just enough to keep you guessing. Bill Skarsgard did an amazing job as Pennywise: Creepy, cool and terrifying. I kind of understand now why people don’t like clowns. One of the other things they really got right with this movie was the comradery between the members of the Losers Club. They were funny, loving and most of all believable as friends in this horrifying, child killing world created by King. I can’t wait for It’s next chapter.

Here’s a bit of useless trivia. Bill Skarsgard is the brother of Alexander Skarsgard, who played that fine-ass vampire Eric Northman on True Blood. They have three other brothers that are also actors, and their dad is Stellan Skarsgard, who has been in a shit-ton of movies, including the Thor and Avengers movies. Talk about an actor’s dynasty.

On the flip side, the Dark Tower movie, was a letdown. I am a huge fan of the books, and I knew that any movie they attempted was not going to go it justice. I didn’t hate the movie, I just wanted so much more. The Dark Tower universe is so vast and awesome it would take a Game of Thrones-type treatment to do it right. A girl can dream. King’s book Mr. Mercedes has been made into a series on some DirecTV channel called the Audience Network. I’m really liking that show so far. Oh, and Netflix will soon be premiering a movie of Gerald’s Game. That’s a pretty twisted tale of a woman handcuffed to the bed by her kinky husband, and then he dies on top of her, leaving her trapped!

Okay I will quit with my King adoration and help out my people.

Cassie, Why is it that when someone transitions people automatically think they are attracted to — and should be with — the opposite sex? I get this a lot from the gay community itself. I personally believe the opposite but the consensus is that people don’t understand that even trans people are gay. Why is that so fucking hard?! Signed, A Trans Man

Dear ATM, I cannot imagine the frustration a trans person feels having to explain things to the uninformed, but you should cut them a break. We have all been brought up in a world where we are taught man-with-woman rules. It has taken, decades to make gay a little more normal, and we still have a long ways to go there. We are taught there are two gender norms, but the new truth is that we have a much broader spectrum. Those stereotypes of a man with a woman are so ingrained in us that even when we are educated and informed, we still tend to force our perceived normalcy on others.

Yes, it must be frustrating, but there are so many different people. So many different ways to categorize a person’s sexuality and gender that it can be a little confusing. Don’t get mad, get teachy! Explain to anyone who will listen that gender and sexual norms do not fit everyone. If they are like most people and are somewhat decent, you will only have to explain things once. If they don’t get it after that… fuck ’em. Good luck, Cassie.

Hiya Cassie, My partner and I have been together for two years now — actually living together a year. What was the period of adjustment like for you and your husband after y’all finally moved in with each other? Was it easy dividing up the household chores? Right now we’re splitting the bills, but at what point does one start talking about combining bank accounts or keeping them separate, etc.?

We love our time together at home, but I know there are still little idiosyncrasies that drive each of us crazy, things such as I’m usually neat and organized and he’s carefree and messy; I’m disciplined with the dogs while he’s more relaxed with them; I enjoy coming out to the drag shows occasionally on the weekends while he’s more of a homebody, etc. We’re still getting used to each other’s eccentricities, but it would be nice to hear an opinion from a voice of experience! Signed, Sorta Newbies Still!

Dear SNS, Don’t put so much pressure on turning your relationship into some kind of well-oiled machine. It just kind of eventually happens. As far as finances go, we have separate accounts but have access to the others’ account in case of an emergency. We split the bills — he pays the mortgage and insurance, I pay electricity, cable and utilities, but I know if I ever need help with my side of the bills I can count on him and vice versa. The subject of money is where a lot of couples fuck up. Eventually it all feels like our bills and finances, but no one wants to feel like they are being taken advantage of. Split things in a way that works for you.

Jamie and I were the same way when we first got together. He’s neat, I’m messy, but now we have it figured out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help cleaning something, and don’t be a little bitch if he asks you to help him with something. You are a couple so do things as a couple. Even the unpleasant things like house and yard work. Where the dogs are concerned, I have figured out I will always be the bad daddy. I am the one that has to discipline the pups, and he is the one that they wanna run to when I yell, but I am the alpha and the one they listen to. It is a little frustrating, but we have learned what works for us.

As far as going out sometimes versus staying home: I have found that if we plan something, like a night out, we are more likely to agree on doing it. Don’t be afraid to go out without your partner. Unless there is a big mistrust between you, but that’s for another column. Go out with friends, watch a drag show. Post and send him pics. He will probably suffer from FOMO! Fear Of Missing Out! So next time he will want to come out with you. Finding a balance is…well…not a struggle but it is sometimes work. It’s a little give and take until one day it is just your normal.

Your relationship is important so nurture it, and do everything you need to do to make it work. Sometimes you will need to bite your tongue and pick your battles, but having a life partner you love is so worth it. Except the fact that you will forever get on each other’s nerves in some way, but knowing you have someone that always has your back and loves you endlessly makes all the stupid shit worth it. Good luck.

Remember to always love more, bitch less and be fabulous! XOXO, Cassie Nova.

If you have a question of comment, email it to AskCassieNova@gmail.com.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 15, 2017.