A lawsuit filed by prisoners at Federal Medical Center Carswell, a women’s federal prison, may cause the Trump administration to change Obama-era rules on how transgender prisoners are housed.
Currently, 472 trans men and women out of 184,000 prisoners total, are in federal prison .
The three prisoners who filed the lawsuit at the Fort Worth facility are represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a designated hate group.
Current policy prohibits segregating trans inmates and housing is a decision made on a case-by-case basis.
The cisgender inmates that filed the suit say their rights are being violated by being housed with transgender women. The trans prisoner at the center of the lawsuit, a self-proclaimed reformed white supremacist says her life would be in danger if she were transferred to a men’s facility.
The Department of Justice may change its policy for housing transgender federal inmates to settle the case. 
In Texas, transgender prisoners are housed according to birth sex and may be kept in protective housing segregated from the general population, along with gay or lesbian prisoners who would be unsafe in the general prison population.
The Dallas Morning News has an interesting full account of the Carswell story.