By Staff Reports
Three people had their vehicles broken into Sunday morning, April 27, while they were attending services at the Cathedral of Hope.

The burglaries occurred around 9 a.m. in the parking lot of the Cathedral at 5910 Cedar Springs Road, according to Dallas police reports.

Someone broke out the windows of the vehicles and made off with thousands of dollars worth of property. One victim reported losing a $1,000 laptop, a $300 car stereo and two pieces of jewelry worth $500.

David Plunkett, a spokesman for the Cathedral, said the church uses security cameras and has an armed off-duty police officer on site during services. But Plunkett said the Cathedral is looking at additional security measures in the wake of the burglaries.

"It’s unfortunate no matter where it happens, and particularly at church," Plunkett said of the burglaries. "This was highly unusual."

Records show the burglaries were the first this year at the Cathedral. Only one vehicle burglary was reported at the church in 2007.

Dallas police Lt. Eric Webb encouraged people to take valuables with them, or stow them in the trunk or out of sight, when parking. Webb said there are no suspects in the burglaries.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 2, 2008.
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