HRC volunteer Vanessa Watson prepares for her first call.

I spent this Saturday afternoon with eight terrific HRC volunteers on the phones calling for the freedom to marry in Maryland.

We were calling HRC members and supporters in Maryland to make sure they know about the January 31st Why Marriage Matters Day at the State Capitol in Annapolis.  This great event will start with a gathering at five o’clock on Lawyers’ Mall at the State House.  The Equality Maryland team will then provide participants with talking points and a quick training before teaming them up with other supporters of equality from their legislative districts for in-person meetings with their legislators.

With votes in the legislature likely coming up fast, there’s nothing more important than supporters of marriage equality telling their stories directly to their state legislators and explaining why they support the freedom to marry.

If you’re a Maryland resident, sign up today to participate in the January 31st Why Marriage Matters Day.  And to get more involved in the campaign for marriage equality in Maryland, fill out our online survey or send a message to Sultan Shakir at

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