
Ruben Israel

A group that protested Sabbath services at Cathedral of Hope on Sunday, Jan. 17, left Dallas after their appearance at the church.
The head of the group traveled to Dallas from Los Angeles to protest a Muslim conference in Garland and Saturday’s MLK parade before heading over to Cathedral of Hope to spread the hate. Police confirmed Cathedral of Hope was the group’s last stop before heading out of town.
“On their way out of town, why not harass others,” Dallas police spokeswoman Monica Cordova said.
According to its website, gays are just a small portion of what this hate group protests. Among its other targets are Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, atheists, rebellious women, adulterers, pot smokers, abortionists, witches, blasphemers and … yes, hypocrites … because they’re not that.
The Los Angeles-based group, Official Street Preachers, is headed by Ruben Israel Chavez aka Ruben Israel. The Southern Poverty Law Center lists it as a “general hate” group.
“These groups espouse a variety of rather unique hateful doctrines and beliefs that are not easily categorized,” the SPLC writes about “general hate” groups. In other words, they don’t specialize in their hate.
On his Facebook page, Israel wrote on Monday, Jan. 19:

Thank You facebookers for your prayers and those of you who funded my trip to Dallas.
I am back from Texas with all my fingers and toes and we were not alone, hundreds of Texans were outside the Muslim event with one accord “Islam is evil”
Below are just a few news stories as we ‘made no small stir’ in Garland.
Photo used is taken from the ‘Christian Post’
Friday we stood outside the largest Mosque in Texas.
Saturday we witnessed at the Dallas MLK parade and later preached outside the Muslim event.
Sunday we stood outside a sodomite mega Church
I will post a full report later as I will being reminding those at the yearly MLK parade in Los Angeles of Jesus today.

So the hate came from California, not Texas, and is gone.