Just in time for All Hallow’s Eve, Coy Covington shows us some scary looks

Halloween — or as it’s known around here, Gay Christmas — is a spoookkkky time of year, and there’s nothing spookier than some of the celebrities vying for our attention lately. From politics to pop culture to religion, there are some kooks out there that give Jason and Freddy a run for the money in terms of being downright frightening.
To mark this era of insanity, and to generate some clever costume ideas before you go trick-or-treating, we enlisted our favorite chameleon, Coy Covington, to create a few looks for us exclusively, celebrating the good, the bad and the ugly … though we’re not really sure which is which. Boo!

— Arnold Wayne Jones


Shrill politico Carly Fiorina
The most critical aspect of pulling off any Halloween look is attitude. Carly is easy because all you need to do is look mean, act mean and speak with anger and ignorance. A thin snake-like lip is a must for spewing venom in that famous Fiorina fashion.


GOP reality star Caitlyn Jenner
Want to recreate Caitlyn a la her Vanity Fair cover? At 65, Cait has had major work done so they play that to maximum effect. My technique includes applying surgical tape to sagging areas of my face and aggressively stretching the tape around my head. After achieving the desired pulled and puckered look, I lavishly applied foundation and powder. I may not be a dead ringer for Cait, but I do look like a woman of a certain age who has been under the knife a few too many times.


Religious fashion disaster Kim Davis
The easiest … and most fun. All that is required is a long brown wig, glasses and an ugly blue blouse/ black tank top outfit … and an uglier heart. Stay up all night and drink heavily to achieve puffiness. No makeup needed (you don’t even have to shave) — Kim has no eyebrows, no lips, no neck and no compassion.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 16, 2015.