6A00D8341C503453Ef01310Faf3002970CDon’t think Matt Barber’s even a Catholic. But the Liberty University dean sure has strong ideas about the Vatican’s future:

“I would like personally to see the Catholic Church start taking even a firmer stance and literally start excommunicating people who reject fundamental, central, non-negotiable doctrines of both Christianity and Catholicism,”

“Really, [a lesbian teacher] has no business even calling herself a Catholic if she is engaging in behaviors and a sinful lifestyle that is completely counter-Christian, counter-biblical, and counter-Catholic,” the attorney argues.

Lesbian professor resigns, claims she was fired [ONN]

Pretty interesting comments coming from Matt, who is himself a divorced-and-remarried man (a major Catholic no no). If we were at the forefront of waging judgment against others’ supposedly sinful bonds, we’d probably stop and consider our own without-sinniness before casting such hard-lined stones!

Good As You