His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche

The Cathedral of Hope, Hope for Peace & Justice and Peace House Dallas will host His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, the twelfth throne holder of the Palyul Lineage and second in lineage to the Dalai Lama, on Saturday Sept. 26 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. His Holiness will offer "The 100 Deity (Shitro) Empowerment" teaching in the church’s main sanctuary. He also will offer a blessing for the Interfaith Peace Chapel when he meets with Senior Pastor the Rev. Jo Hudson.

All faiths are welcome. A $30 donation is suggested, and financial scholarships are available. However, no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

The 100 Deity empowerment is the blessing and transmission of a spiritual practice believed to have originated with Guru Padmasambhava in the 8th Century. This practice promotes the awareness of the universality of one’s own divine nature. Over time, the practice of visualizing the body as a mandala of 108 deities, which are centered at the heart and throughout the body, can give rise to the recognition of one’s own Buddha-nature at the time of death.

This empowerment will be explained in a teaching given by honored teacher Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche before it is conferred by His Holiness. These authentic, traditional Tibetan Buddhist teachings and empowerments cross all religious and cultural boundaries to confer blessings to everyone present, regardless of spiritual background, experience or denominational preference. •

For more information, go online to www.pcddallas.org.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition September 24, 2009.

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