By Associated Press

Backers of anti-gay-marriage initiative say donors being harassed

SACRAMENTO — Attorney General Jerry Brown is urging a federal court to reject an attempt to conceal the identities of donors to the gay marriage ban passed last year by California voters.

Brown filed a brief Jan. 22 asking the court to deny a preliminary injunction sought by supporters of Proposition 8.

If granted, the injunction would free them from having to file campaign finance reports detailing late contributions.

The measure’s supporters also have asked the court to order state officials to remove names of donors that already have been posted on the secretary of state’s Web site.

The supporters contend that revealing donor names has led to harassment of some contributors.

Brown says the proposition’s supporters do not qualify for an exemption to contribution disclosure laws that the U.S. Supreme Court carved out for persecuted minorities.

Oral arguments in the case are scheduled for Jan. 29.контекстная реклама плюсы и минусы