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It occurs to me that many of our hard-core Tea-baggers likely come straight to The Instant for updates on the latest LGBT news, bypassing the Dallas Voice main page. And I’m hear to tell them that they’re missing out.
We’re working on a complete redesign of our Web site, but in the meantime, you may have noticed that we’ve installed a Breaking News feed at the top of the main page, and guess who’s responsible for updating it? That’s right, each morning I’ll be scanning the wires, the blogs, the RSS feeds, the e-mails, the social networks — with the goal of filtering it all down to the the top three — count ’em, three — LGBT stories of interest to you, our loyal readers.
So next time you’re on your way over here, I’d invite you to stop by the main page and take a look. It’ll make me feel a little better next time I’m complaining about mobilesраскрутка сайта интернет магазин