Davis.KimRowan County, Ky., Clerk Kim Davis was found in contempt of court this morning by U.S. District Judge David Bunning. She is currently the custody of U.S. Marshals.
Bunning ordered her to remain in jail until she agrees to sign marriage licenses.
The couples suing Davis asked for a fine, but in his order, Bunning said he didn’t do it lightly, but in her case, jailing her was necessary. He said he couldn’t fine her, because someone would pay the fine.
She was led out of the courtroom by marshals, but was not in handcuffs. She will be taken to either Greenup or Carter county.
Davis thanked the judge as she was leaving and said she was prepared to go to jail to continue her fight against the constitution that she swore on a Bible to uphold.
Under Kentucky law, the county’s executive may issue marriage licenses. Since she’s been jailed and is not present to issue, the county may issue licenses from a different office.
No word, yet, on the fate of her six deputy clerks.