890px-Boy_Scouts_of_America_corporate_trademark.svgThe Boy Scouts of America voted to lift the ban on gay Scout leaders. The new policy allows local troops or sponsors to decide whether or not to hire LGBT leaders. BSA will no longer ban gays or lesbians from working for the organization.
“On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees,” the Boy Scouts said in a statement on its website. “Of those present and voting, 79 percent voted in favor of the resolution. The resolution was recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month. The resolution is effective immediately.”
Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said in a statement, “Today’s vote by the Boy Scouts of America to allow gay, lesbian and bisexual adults to work and volunteer is a welcome step toward erasing a stain on this important organization. But including an exemption for troops sponsored by religious organizations undermines and diminishes the historic nature of today’s decision. Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period.”
The Mormon Church, which sponsors more Boy Scout troops than any other religious or secular group, said it would re-evaluate its association with the Boy Scouts. Mormon Scout troops do allow gay scouts.