
Ronald Shumway changed his profile picture to this picture on April 23. No one has seen him since.

Dallas Police are looking for Ronald Shumway, an Oak Cliff resident, after a body was found in the yard of his former home in Winnetka Heights.
As we reported earlier, Shumway hasn’t been seen since April. On April 24, he changed his Facebook profile picture and that was his last post. That same day, he quit his job with DART, giving no reason, and hasn’t been seen since.
Neighbors said he sold his house and left with saying goodbye.
A little over a month ago, the new owners of the Oak Cliff house found a rib cage wrapped in plastic and encased in concrete in the back yard. The remains have not yet been identified.
Police are asking for help in locating Shumway. He’s the primary suspect in the case — unless the bones are Shumway’s.