Gothamist tips us to the latest atheism campaign which just launched on Chicago’s public transit system. This one is from the Illini Secular Student Association at the University of Illinois.

ISSA explains, “A consequence of the centuries-spanning PR campaign conflating theism (and especially Christianity) with the impulse to charity has largely duped Americans into believing that Christians are the major givers and that non-believers are selfish, angry loners unconcerned with the struggles of the less fortunate…Not only is the stereotype untrue, it is perversely untrue.” The bus campaign ads feature high profile philanthropists including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. The ISSA’s tagline? “Good without god.”

RELATED: On their Secular Samaritan blog, today the ISSA notes that Catholic Cardinal George Pell is calling atheists “immoral, frightened, and without purpose.”

Joe. My. God.