Rep. Ron Simmons

SB 25, which would allow doctors to lie about fetal abnormalities to prevent a woman from getting an abortion, passed in the Senate and gets a hearing today in the House State Affairs Committee today.
Known as HB 434 in the Texas House of Representatives, the bill is sponsored by Rep. Ron Simmons, R-Carrollton. The bill would prevent a patient from suing a doctor who lies or withholds information about fetal abnormalities or about a patient’s medical options in order to prevent that patient from seeking an abortion.
Rep. Helen Giddings, D-Dallas, is vice chair of the committee hearing the bill. You can voice your support for her opposition to the bill at 512-463-0953. Locally, Rep. Morgan Meyer, R-Highland Park, is also on the committee. His office number is 512-463-0367. The committee chair is Rep. Byron Cook. His office can be reached at 512-463-0730.