Friday 02.03Sunday 02.19


DTC’s ‘The Christians’ tackles controversy at a megachurch

We all know what megachurches are like — far less “Christian” than they claim to be, more amusement parks for the soul. The pastor always tells his congregation what it wants to hear. But what if the leader at one such church broke with tradition and spoke hard truths that went counter to what parishioners believed … but which the Bible supports? That’s the premise of this regional premiere, starring Dallas Theater Center resident actor Chamblee Ferguson.

DEETS: Kalita Humphreys Theater,
3636 Turtle Creek Blvd.

Saturday 02.04


Click your heels together for the return of  Viva’s burlesque ‘Oz’

Attention friends of Dorothy! Follow Viva Dallas Burlesque down the Yellow Brick Road with its encore production of its Oz show. You’ll know you’re not in Kansas anymore in this burlesque adaptation of the queer classic, featuring Vivienne Vermouth, Donnas Denise, Confetti Eddie and more.

DEETS: Viva’s Lounge,
1350 Manufacturing Drive, ste. 120.
8 p.m. doors,
9 p.m. curtain.



Dallas Voice’s Tuesday Big Movie lineup at the Magnolia Theatre

Landmark’s Magnolia Theatre’s weekly Big Movie New Classic Series, sponsored by Dallas Voice, screens a different classic film each Tuesday at 7:30 and 10 p.m. This quarter’s lineup is:

Feb. 14: Somewhere in Time. For Valentine’s Day, this lovely but sentimental romance, where love crosses decades. Stars Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour.

Feb. 21: The Unsinkable Molly Brown. The late, great Debbie Reynolds, in one of her signature roles, as the wealthy rube who survived the Titanic.

Feb 28: Westworld. Not the TV show, but Michael Crichton’s 1973 film that inspired it, about robots at an amusement park that go wrong. (Note similarities as well to Crichton’s later Jurassic Park.)

March 7: The Lion in Winter. Katharine Hepburn won one of her four Oscars (and Peter O’Toole should have) for this historical comedy-drama about Henry II and whether he’ll allow his sodomite eldest son to succeed him.

March 14: Freaks. Tod Browning’s unexpectedly touching early sound film, about side-show acts in a circus and their private lives.

March 21: To Catch a Thief. This quarter’s “Viewers’ Choice” film is a luxurious classic from Alfred Hitchcock, with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.

March 28: Roger & Me. It’s a good time to revisit documentarian Michael Moore’s first film, about his quest for a meeting with the head of GM.

April 4: Blow Up. One of the seminal films of the 1960s, an influential artsy investigation into the meaning of perception.

April 11: Ben-Hur (1925 version). The first of the three major adaptations of the biblical epic — this one a silent classic.

April 18: The Manchurian Candidate. A masterpiece of Cold War suspense, with the Communists brainwashing an American to become an assassin. Angela Lansbury’s performance is perfection.

April 25: Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (pictured). Roger Ebert wrote this camp classic, a sequel to another camp classic.

— Arnold Wayne Jones

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition February 03, 2017.