Best-BetsFriday 01.27

See more Seymour
It’s not enough that Jane Seymour is a famous actress and is fabulously beautiful, but she paints, too. Talk about winning the talent and genetic lottery. The former Bond girl and Emmy-award winner comes to Dallas to display her works and show the town what A-list really means.

Wisby-Smith Fine Art
500 Crescent Court, Ste. 146.
Through Sat. 6 p.m.


Friday 01.27

Del-iver us from evil
Del Shores returns to Dallas for one more go-round of his Sordid Confessions. He goes for the jugular with stories about his life that are crass and comical. He’ll also be taping the shows for his DVD release of Confessions so that his rants on Southern Baptists, Hollywood and maybe even a teeny bit about his recent break-up will be preserved for all time.

The Rose Room (inside S4)
3911 Cedar Springs Road.
5 p.m. and 8 p.m. $10–$30.


Saturday 01.28

Bigger is always better
Cattle ranchers, oil men and love triangles all make for an epic story of Texas. The DTC celebrates its current show with the gala event Giant: The Celebration. You’ll feel truly Texan with the wine stroll, Texas food and live local music.

Wyly Theater
2401 Flora St. 6 p.m.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition January 27, 2012.