Music has become such a profoundly important part of our lives during the pandemic. And there are multiple ways to get it, especially this week.

Live: Addison Drive-in Concert Series: Joseph Veazie. (above).If you’ve missed the experience of seeing an actual musician in the same physical space as you making live music, well you can get back to it … sort of. The city of Addison last month launched a new drive-in concert series — live music enjoyed from the safety of your car. The second weekend launches Friday with the band Extended Play and culminates Saturday with popular local singer Joseph Veazie, pictured. 15499 Julian St. at Addison Circle Park. Aug. 14–15, 8:30–10 p.m. Free.



Playlist: Gary Lynn Floyd, My 88 Keys, Vol. 2: Quarantined. Even if he hadn’t been a staple of Dallas stages for decades, we’d love telling people about Floyd’s voice, one of the most emotionally pure you’ll ever hear. Floyd follows up his 2015 album My 88 Keys, Vol. 1: Unplugged with his new post-corona record, filled with relaxing, spiritually-fulfilling songs, all curated for Floyd’s audience. It’s the perfect tonic to pandemic stress. Available for purchase or streaming on AppleMusic and Spotify. 



Streamable: Undermain In Concert. Undermain usually mounts live theater, but while the pandemic has shut it down, it has launched an In Concert Series which alternates groups and styles. Until Aug. 19 you can listen to the band Caftan, pictured, and Aug. 20-Sept. 5 the ensemble Open Classical. Free.