Photog Blake Little brings his sexy books to Dallas in time for TBRU

When we say we’re always excited to see “Little bears,” we don’t mean grizzly cubs or koalas or even small-statured hairy gay men — in fact, we don’t mean “tiny” at all. Nope, we are referring to the bearish men that photographer Blake Little has memorialized in a series of sexy coffee table books. His current book, Work, follows The Company of Men and Manifest, and is his latest in the pursuit of hirsute men.
And the timing for the bearish men in Work couldn’t be better — Little is in town this weekend as part of the Texas Bear Round Up, and will even be doing a book signing at NUVO on Friday, where the books is exclusively available in Dallas.
Little-Bears-CoverIt’s a good fit as well because, Nuvo’s Jeff Wright says, Little’s books “are really popular in Dallas. Blake always includes some Dallas men in his books, and there are several in Work.”

— Arnold Wayne Jones

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition May 19, 2017.