Marco Rodriguez is a tease.
 For a number of months now, the local playwright and actor has been telling me he had something “big” in the wings, but try as I might, he wouldn’t spill the beans. (He said even his boyfriend didn’t know what it was.) All I knew was that (a) it had to do with his most recent play, “Heaven Forbid(s)!” being (b) staged somewhere other than Dallas. 
So today, he finally ‘fessed up: “Heaven,” in which Marco and Rhianna Mack cross-dress to play a variety of character in purgatory, has been selected from among more than 1,000 entries to play at the New York International Fringe Festival in New York. If you don’t already know or can’t guess, whenever you say “New York” and “play” in the same sentence it’s a pretty big deal. And this is a very big deal.
But, as with almost every independent theater operation, Rodriguez needs money to do. So, he’s asking for contributions. If you wanna help out, try calling his ticket line at 214-750-7435. Or you can even write to me and I’ll forward along his e-mail. I’ll do in despite the fact that Marco didn’t even bother to offer me an exclusive. Congrats anyway, Marco! hackerskie.ruпродвижение сайтов в гугле