COLT’s hottest muscle couple on acting nelly, wearing condoms
and hitting on straight dudes at the gym

MEET THE FINE FELLAS: Gage Weston, left, and Luke Garrett make three appearances in Big D this weekend.

When it comes to same-sex erotica, the playing field is pretty much leveled. Whining about exploitation in gay porn doesn’t usually apply because there’s no gender imbalance. Many appreciate queer erotica as a liberating expression of sex and love, because so often, those emotions and acts are repressed.

Meet Luke Garret and Gage Weston gay poster-daddies of the Hooking Up and Having Fun movement. This studly couple first met two years ago while modeling for a 2006 rugby calendar that raised money for athletes attending the Gay Games VII. Since then, COLT Studios has paired them up for several videos: “Man Country,” “Work It Off, “Wide Strokes” and “The Hard Way.” And this weekend the musclemen visit Big D for a few meet-and-greet appearances that raise money for the Resource Center of Dallas.

Earlier this week, Dallas Voice e-mailed Garrett and Gage a questionnaire to find out what makes them tick and how they differ from each other. One thing they have in common there’s no shame about being gods of gay porn.

Meet Weston and Garrett at TapeLenders Video, 3926 Cedar Springs Road. May 20 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.; Woody’s Sports and Video Bar, 4011 Cedar Springs Road. May 20 at from 8 p.m. to midnight; and the Dallas Eagle, 2515 Inwood Road, Suite 107. May 21 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Luke Garrett

Luke Garrett

Age: 35

Grew up: In a Small farming town in the central California valley.

Educational background: BA in international business from Loyola University with a minor in Biology.

Athletic background: Competitive swimmer, from the time I was 8 years old through college. Even swam on the USA team for four years: butterfly was my primary stroke. Gave up swimming sophomore year in college to hit the weights and pursue more mass. Also played soccer (wing), baseball (catcher it’s wired into my DNA), and ran track and field.

First gay porn I remember watching: “Killer & Butch,” one of COLT’s vintage films. Woof! I have a thing for very masculine, passionate men. Those guys had it all, gave it all and took it all. From that moment on, I wanted to be a COLT Man.

Of course you’re the epitome of masculinity. But how do you embrace and exhibit your nelly side? Don’t tell anyone, but I go absolutely cuckoo for Coco Puffs. After devouring those crunchy morsels of breakfast bliss and drinking the last delicious drops of sugar-sweetened chocolate milk left over in the bowl, I was inspired to write a Coco Puffs showtune with a choreographed a dance number and everything.

A hot guy is at the gym. You can’t tell if he’s straight or not. What’s one way of finding out? Gotta be honest here, I suck at deciphering whether a dude is gay, straight or indifferent. If I feel a burning desire to know, I go right up to him, introduce myself and steer us toward a frank conversation about sexual preferences. The cool part is that, by doing this, I’ve built some awesome friendships with straight men.

Things you can’t stand reading in on-line profiles. I read everyone’s profile. I seek out those nuggets of information you can only glean from on-line profiles. I don’t often reach out to guys who spend a lot of time preaching negativity going on in detail about what he’s not looking for and the things he doesn’t like. I tend to connect best with positive, enthusiastic folks and there are so many out there.

Finish this sentence: The sexiest things about sex with condoms are The men who roll them onto me before we hit it. Condoms give us the freedom to have mind-blowing, guilt-free sex. You can enjoy seedy, even anonymous encounters. I can plow a hot beefy stud and not even think about pulling out when all restraint is obliterated. Condoms give you freedom without remorse. Condoms also protect my man, whom I love with all the light that brightens my soul.

Willy Wear: When was the last time you were on either end of oral sex that involved a condom? The first time was the last time. There are some risks I’m willing to take.

How have your relatives handled the news that you’re a god in the world of gay erotica? Who the hell told them? Just kidding. My parents, both California natives, are children from the ’60s who only grew up on the outside. Inside, they’re beaming to have a son with this kind of notoriety. I’m blessed to have them for my mom and dad. But, hey, back to this “god” thing: If that’s true, do I get my own parishioners? I’m all for mutual worship.

Gage Weston

Gage Weston

Age: 28

Grew up: In Norman, Okla.

Educational background: Some college.

Athletic background: Wrestling and baseball.

First same-sex crush: Garth Brooks in his younger years. He sure knew how to wear some Wranglers, woof!

You see a hot guy at the gym, but you’re not sure if he’s gay. How do you find out? That’s a question I think everyone would like the answer to. If you find out, let me know. I work at a gym. And I know firsthand that it’s a tough call. Sometimes if a guy keeps looking at you, he could just be checking out your routine. But what they say is if he looks at you for six seconds or longer, he’s checking you out.

Things you can’t stand reading in on-line profiles. Anyone over 30 who has the words “boy” or “boi” in their profile name. Come on, you’re a man at least you should be by now. Another thing is, “not into the gay scene.” What is the “gay scene?”

Finish this sentence: The sexiest things about sex with condoms are: That you can have sex with random men. You can shoot a geyser into a hot stud and not worry that is, if you want to waste it. It is rather high in protein.

When was the last time you were on either end of oral sex that involved a condom? Hmmm That must have been in my past life.

How have your relatives handled the news that you’re a god in the world of gay erotica? A god? Wow. I don’t know about that. I’m not sure if my family knows or not. If they do, they’ve never mentioned it.

One thing you’ve absolutely refused to do in a XXX video? Barebacking.

Favorite lube: Gun Oil.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition, May 19, 2006. topodin.comкомплексное обслуживание сайта яндекс