Author: Shawn Weston

Defendant in Prop 8 trial wants out

One of the five defendants in the Proposition 8 trial that begins in California on Monday wants out, according to the New York Times. Hak-Shing William Tam was one of five people who stepped up to defend Prop 8 when the governor...

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Portugal passes same-sex marriage

President Anibal Cavaco Silva On the heels of the defeat of marriage equality in New Jersey, Portugal’s Parliament passed same-sex marriage by a 125-99 vote. The bill simply removes language from the law that currently...

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NJ votes down same-sex marriage

Gov. Jon Corzine The New Jersey Senate voted down same-sex marriage by a 20-14 vote this afternoon. The Senate had put off a vote in December when they did not have the votes to pass the measure. Under pressure from LGBT...

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Rhode Island legislature overrides governor's veto

R.I. Governor Don Carcieri Same sex couples living together in Rhode Island may not be recognized, but now at least they can die legally. Although the state’s capital is the only state capital with a gay mayor, the...

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