Author: Shawn Weston

Blame the victim

I’d never impose my opinion here, but Pat Robertson is an idiot. Robertson said that the earthquake in Haiti, which may have killed 100,000 people, was caused by Haitians who made a pact with the devil to rid themselves of...

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'God hates fags' coming to Dallas

We’ve been a little left out lately here in Dallas with all the national attention going to Houston. But on Feb. 1, the lunatics at Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kans. will be coming to Dallas. Irwin Cotler, a member...

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Gay legislators – we need to get us one

This state house has more LGBT legislators than any other Yesterday, I wrote about a Utah state representative who is lesbian and acting as surrogate mother for a gay couple. What I thought was interesting was that she was one...

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Utah legislator carrying baby for gay couple

Rep. Christine Johnson Utah law does not allow adoption by gay parents nor does it allow second parent adoption. So Rep. Christine Johnson is doing something about it. The Salt Lake City Democrat was inseminated and is carrying...

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