Author: Shawn Weston

Golden Girl recovering from stroke

Rue McClanahan and me This week, it was announced that Rue McClanahan is recovering from a stroke. After appearing in Dallas in September (which is when the above picture was taken), McClanahan had bypass surgery in November....

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Limbaugh tries to out-crazy Robertson

Radio shock jock Rush Limbaugh Usually, when one right-wing nut job puts his foot in his mouth and gets called out on it, the others shut up. Not this time. Earlier this week, Pat Robertson said that the earthquake in Haiti was...

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LGBT organization sets up Haiti relief fund

When making donations for the Haiti relief effort, make sure you are donating to an organization that is established and has the ability to get the money where it is needed. The $10 text message donations are going to the Red...

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Legal strategies in the Prop 8 trial

Ted Olson In the third day of testimony in the Proposition 8 trial in San Francisco, attorney Ted Olson argued that animosity against gays and lesbians was a driving factor in the law. The Supreme Court has ruled that animus...

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