Author: Shawn Weston

Episcopal Church approves lesbian bishop

Bishop Mary Glasspool The Episcopal Church has approved the ordination of Mary Glasspool as bishop of Los Angeles. She is the first openly gay person approved by the church since Gene Robinson became the bishop of the New...

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What's wrong with this video?

Hiram Monserrate was running for his old New York state senate seat. This video shows his girlfriend campaigning for him. Nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong. Following the New York senate vote on same-sex marriage, Monserrate...

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Petraeus testifies to Senate on DADT

Gen. David Petraeus Gen. David Petraeus testified before the Senate this morning that it is time to rethink the Don’t ask, don’t tell policy. He did not say he thought it was time to change it, just rethink it. He...

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