Norma McCorvey

That’s right, you can’t make this shit up.

A few weeks ago we told you that a journalist/author in New York was seeking info about Roe v. Wade plaintiff Norma McCorvey’s time as a lesbian in Dallas, where she reportedly worked at three gay bars in the years leading up to the landmark case. The author, who now asks that his name be withheld due to the touchy nature of abortion politics, said he’s gotten a wonderful response from our post asking people to contact him with deets on McCorvey’s time as an employee at The White Carriage, the Roadrunner and Sultan’s Harem.

Now, as if those names of gay bars from late 1960s Dallas weren’t classic enough, the author sends along word that the tips have led him to zero in on at least five specific individuals, including the likes of one Murial James, who went by “Percy” and worked as a headhunter; and Billie Jo Gwynes, who went by “Jinx” and is now a born-again Christian working in prisons.

We’re going to go ahead and take his word that these are in fact real people, so here’s his full note:

Journalist in New York City seeking people who knew Norma McCorvey — “Jane Roe” of the landmark 1973 law case Roe v. Wade.

They include:

* Jay Duncan who worked at The White Carriage bar.
* Lynn Baker who worked in computers and drove a blue Mustang.
* Murial James who went by “Percy” and worked as a headhunter.
* Carla Pruitt who bought The White Carriage bar and turned it into The Chromosome.
* Billie Jo Gwynes who went by “Jinx” and is now a born again Christian working in prisons.

You may email the journalist at