U.S. Rep. Jared Polis seems like a really nice guy, and he was kind enough a few weeks ago to grant Dallas Voice an interview on relatively short notice in advance of his recent trip to Austin. I also think it’s worth noting that Polis gave up a chunk of his weekend to travel to Austin and speak to the Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus.
My point is that I have nothing against Polis, and I’m not out to make him look bad. But as a reporter, when an openly gay congressman doesn’t know the status of a major piece of federal gay-rights legislation, it’s impossible for me to overlook. That’s why on Friday I pointed out Polis’ mistake in this post below.
In response to the post, and in an apparent effort to protect Polis, numerous people accused me of fabricating my report. One person who was in the room when Polis made the mistake even tried to claim that he didn’t really make it.
So, on Saturday, I posted a transcript of my tape, which you can read by going here. However, that still wasn’t good enough for some people. Last night, San Francisco blogger Michael Petrelis tried to further discredit my reporting by suggesting that, like Polis, I didn’t really know what happened to the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Act.
Anyhow, all this brings us to this morning, when I have marshaled the technical support of Dallas Voice Art Director Michael Stephens, who has uploaded my tape of Polis’ mistake to the Web. You can listen to the tape by going here.авторекламамедицинский сайт продвижение