From a woman who wears black cocktail dresses at 8 a.m., Ann Coulter slams Michelle Obama’s style in Coulter’s new book, Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America.”
While her jaw was wired shut, Coulter wrote, “Her obvious imitation of Jackie O’s style – the flipped-under hair, the sleeveless A-line dresses, the short strands of fake pearls – would have been laughable if done by anyone other than a media-designated saint,” quoted The Daily News.
Coulter said Cindy McCain, the wife of vanquished GOP nominee John McCain, “dressed well without freakishly imitating famous First Ladies in history.”
Coulter also refers to President-Elect Obama as “B. Hussein Obama” and mocks the media’s love affair for online rpgуслуги по раскрутке сайтов