UPDATE: He has a love-child?  What a freaking hypocritical ass.

Great thing to say when we’re in the middle of a gay youth suicide epidemic, you bigoted ass.

“We must stop pandering to the pornographers and the perverts [he pronounces the word “per-VERTS”] who seek to target our children and destroy their lives. I didn’t march in the gay parade this year -the gay pride parade this year. My opponent did. And that’s not the example we should be showing our children…

“And don’t misquote me as wanting to hurt homosexual people in any way. That would be a dastardly lie. My approach is ‘live and let live.’ I just think my children and your children would be much better off and much more successful getting married and raising and raising a family, and I don’t want them brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option – it isn’t.”

And his prepared remarks also said the following, per the NYT:

“There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual.” But Mr. Paladino omitted that statement when he gave the speech.