
Equality Texas is calling on LGBT advocates to help encourage the San Antonio City Council to pass a proposed nondiscrimination ordinance this week.

The ordinance would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and veteran status in employment, housing and public accommodations. After delaying a vote in June, the council will vote on Thursday.

Opponents of the ordinance have been vocal, with more people opposing the measure than supporting it speaking last week at a meeting.

People can email council members here. Equality Texas is continuing to urge local supporters and those from other cities to come and voice their support at several events this week while wearing red.

Those events are:

Faith Leaders Rally for Equality, Justice & Healing. Tuesday at 2 p.m. at San Antonio City Hall, 100 Militiary Plaza.

“Citizens to be Heard.” Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 West Commerce.

• City Council Votes on the NDO. Thursday at 9 a.m. at Municipal Plaza Building, 114 West Commerce.