ABILENE — Exodus Metropolitan Community Church in Abilene celebrated its 30th anniversary last weekend by presenting a check for $15,000 to Abilene’s Habitat for Humanity, represented by Habitat director Chris Proctor-Cleveland and the organization’s board of directors.

Exodus MCC has been collecting donations for the past two years to pay for the construction of a Habitat house in Abilene. Church members reached their goal on Sept. 12.

The Rev. Margaret Walker, senior pastor, said Exodus members began raising money for the Habitat project two years ago, budgeting it into the church’s mission fund. Church members made personal pledges and contributions, held garage sales and dinners and sold desserts to bring in funds.

Children in the church made and sold art crosses and Christmas ornaments, sold M&M candy and collected and cashed in aluminum cans to help raise money for the project. One youngster even operated a lemonade stand to help out, Walker said.

The pastor noted that such efforts by the church’s youngest members accounted for more than $1,000 of the $15,000 total.

Church members presented the check to Habitat for Humanity officials during the anniversary celebration banquet on Saturday night, Oct. 2. The anniversary weekend continued with services on Sunday, Oct. 3, featuring the Rev. Elder Troy D. Perry, founder of Metropolitan Community Churches.

Exodus MCC has about 100 members. In addition to Senior Pastor Walker, the staff included the Rev. Connie Mangin as executive pastor.

This article appeared in the Dallas Voice print edition October 08, 2010.