Jon and Cliff Garinn, partners and co-pastors for Dignity/Dallas, were among those who participated in Queer Liberaction’s protest Cathedral de Guadalupe in downtown Dallas. I am posting Jon’s views and comments on the event here in their entirety, as per an e-mail he sent me earlier today:
“Cliff and I were among the handful of demonstrators. Contrary to Jesse Garcia’s fears, there was nothing about our presence that communicated ‘gays versus the Hispanic community.’ Dignity/Dallas supported the demonstration because similar events were being held outside cathedral churches in Boston, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago and other major U.S. cities. As Catholics, our presence sent a message that the Catholic church, with its belief in the sanctity of human life, needs to be leading efforts to end the most egregious forms of oppression, rather than to stand with nations that continue to treat us as criminals. Had Mr. Garcia joined the demonstration, he would have witnessed for himself that the group was sincere, respectful and peaceful. For too long, there has been a terrible conflict between the official Catholic church’s policies and pastoral practices as they relate to gay people. Despite the good work being done in so many parishes, Vatican policies lead to the entire church being associated with discrimination and anti-gay violence. It has sad, even tragic consequences for lesbian and gay people and our families. Blake Wilkinson should be applauded for organizing the event and for choosing a venue that would maximize that message.”продвижение в поисковикахбиржи в украине копирайтинг