In today’s Voice we reported that registration for Equality Texas’ Lobby Day on Monday, March 2 was at about 350 people, but Executive Director Paul Scott announced tonight that the number has now reached 434. Scott said that’s more than double the number of people who attended the event in 2007 and will make it one of the largest LGBT Lobby Days in the country. While the huge turnout for this year’s event poses some logistical problems for Equality Texas, the group doesn’t plan on turning anyone away. However, those who haven’t registered yet but plan to attend are asked to e-mail as soon as possible. The group needs time to prepare informational packets and plan visits with lawmakers based on which House districts participants live in. So far, those who’ve registered for Lobby Day will be coming from more than 60 percent of the state’s 150 House districts, which Scott called “incredible” given the geographical enormity of Texas.
Scott spoke during a kickoff reception at Austin City Hall for the Texas Stonewall Democrats convention that will proceed Lobby Day this weekend. Despite the huge numbers for Lobby Day, Texas Stonewall President Dan Graney said only 66 people have registered for the convention, which officially gets under way tomorrow.сайтзаполнение сайта информацией