Taylor Garrett, a gay Republican cast member on Logo’s The A-List Dallas, alleged on Twitter last week that he’d been the victim of an apparent gay-on-gay hate crime.

“My place is nice and breezy now thanks to a liberal!” Garrett wrote in a tweet containing links to the photos above and at right.

One person asked Garrett on Twitter why there’s no record on the Dallas Police Department’s website of him filing a report about the incident.

Garrett responded that there are “plenty of reports,” but he has failed to produce one or provide any further details since then.

Garrett’s initial tweet about the incident was later removed from Twitter. Also deleted was a message to Garrett from Logo executive producer John Hill, congratulating him for “making headlines.”

The story was eventually picked up by The Huffington Post.

Blogger Joe Jervis at Joe.My.God., who broke the story, is convinced the whole thing was a publicity stunt in advance of tonight’s premiere of The A-List Dallas.

If so, we’d have to say it worked.