Tuesday was a busy day in California, as hundreds and hundreds of same-sex couples lined up to get hitched on the first full day that legal gay marriages were available there.
Of course, the ’phobes were lining up, too, wherever gays were getting married, to spew their hate and wave their ridiculous signs.
Here is one truly “fine” example of someone distinctly NOT following Christ’s commandment to “love thy neighbor”:
As lesbian activists and longtime couple Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin were exchanging vows inside San Francisco City Hall, a gay man played a guitar outside, urging the crowd to join him in singing “All You Need is Love.” Suddenly, the man dropped to the ground; he had gone into cardiac arrest.
As nearby police officers rushed to his aid, one of the “Christian” protesters began to shout: “Satan got you!” and “What is Satan whispering in your ear now?!”
Ahh. Doesn’t it just give you a warm feeling to know that people like this are out there on the streets, defending our values and “marriage” and “family”?
Go here to read an account of the incident and see photos by Michael Petrelis, a gay rights activist who was there when it all happened.kombohacker.ruпродвижение сайта электроники