By Staff Reports

Organizers say mood of event will depend on outcome of ruling

Queer Liberaction founder Blake Wilkinson: "Whether we are handed a victory or if we are defeated, we have got to move forward by building an independent civil rights movement in the streets. That’s how it’s been done in the past and we are kidding ourselves if we think that we can do it any other way."

The California Supreme Court could issue its ruling on the validity of that state’s anti-gay-marriage amendment, Proposition 8, any day now. And activists in Dallas are ready — which ever way the ruling goes.

The court will, at the same time, rule on the validity of the thousands of same-sex marriages performed in California between early June last year, when the court ruled that the state’s then-current ban on gay marriages was unconstitutional, and the Nov. 4 vote to amend the California Constitution.

Queer Liberaction, a local direct action group organized in the wake of Prop 8’s passage last November, is already planning to hold a rally at 7 p.m. at the intersection of Cedar Springs Road and Oak Lawn Avenue on the "Day of Decision."

The tone of the rally, organizers said, will depend on how the court rules.

Organizer Laura McFarin said, "If we are victorious and the California Supreme Court overturns Prop 8, then the rally will be a celebration [and will take] the victory and press our advantage as much as possible. This can be done is such a way that the possible victory in California promotes further victories elsewhere."

If the court upholds Prop 8, the rally will become a protest.

QL founder and organizer Blake Wilkinson said, "Whether we are handed a victory or if we are defeated, we have got to move forward by building an independent civil rights movement in the streets. That’s how it’s been done in the past and we are kidding ourselves if we think that we can do it any other way."

QL’s rally in Dallas is part of a nationwide effort, being coordinated by, to hold similar events around the country when the court’s ruling is announced. Wilkinson noted that the court is required to issue its ruling no later than June 3 — 90 days after oral arguments on March 5 — but could do so at any time.

The court will also give notice within 24 hours of announcing its ruling, and Queer Liberaction will post the notice on its Web site at The group is also giving people the opportunity to sign up to receive updates via Twitter.

To sign up, send a text message to 40404 with the text "follow qliberaction." Wilkinson said the Twitter messages are free.наполнение сайта этопродвижение сайта москва