By Associated Press

Normally, no more than 10 legislators can be listed as co-sponsors, but Senate leaders made exception for marriage bill

AUGUSTA, Maine — The author of a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in Maine says more than 60 legislators from both parties have signed on as co-sponsors.

Democratic Sen. Dennis Damon of Trenton said those lining up in support of his bill include representatives from Maine’s smallest towns and its largest cities.

He said many legislators sought to have their names associated with the bill, prompting leadership to open it up to unlimited sponsorship. Normally, no more than 10 lawmakers can be listed as co-sponsors of a bill.

The bill would make Maine the third state, after Massachusetts and Connecticut, to allow gay marriage. Maine law currently defines marriage as between one man and one woman. kombo-porno.ruоптимизация сайта отзывы