Queer Liberaction, the newly formed LGBT direct action group, will hold its first public organizing meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Resource Center of Dallas, 2701 Reagan St. Here’s the group’s recent press release:

Dear Friends,
An article in this week’s Dallas Voice speaks to the differences of opinion that is becoming more pronounced in the LGBT community. The article speaks about Queer Liberaction’s recent demonstration addressing the Catholic Church’s opposition to Gay decriminalization. Israel Luna’s “No Milk for Cinemark” demonstration is addressed as well.
There are those in the LGBT community that for one reason or another would like to see the debate regarding our civil rights removed from the public arena. Time and again the Gay and Lesbian civil rights movement has learned that when this is done dire consequences are soon to follow. With 3/5 of the states having homophobic constitutional amendments, a federal piece of legislation that excludes LGBT people from marriage, bans on Gay adoption and service in the armed forces to name a few, we don’t have to look too far to find a few examples of these dire consequences.
On the other hand, it was independent grassroots activism that brought Anita Bryant’s hate train express to a grinding halt. Gays and Lesbians who organized outside of the established political system in the 80s and early 90s literally saved the GLBT community from being completely decimated by the AIDS outbreak. The civil rights of every oppressed group, African Americans, Women, workers, etc… have been won by independent movements in the streets not by being graciously handed down from above. This is not a campaign, it is the LGBT civil rights movement and we are no different.
To those ends, Queer Liberaction is encouraging everyone to attend the Cinemark demonstration tomorrow at the Cinemark Legacy. The protest begins at noon at 7201 N Central Expressway in Plano, more information can be found in the Dallas Voice article mentioned above.
Also to these ends, Queer Liberaction will hold its first public organizing meeting. All those interested in fighting four our rights and making a difference in the GLBT community are more than welcome to come. Information below,
Queer Liberaction Organizing Meeting
Wednesday, December 17
7:00 PM
Resource Center of Dallas
2701 Reagan St. (at Brown)
Please direct any questions to lgbtliberaction@gmail.com or by calling 214-679-6321добавить сайт в поисковикирекламные услуги в интернете