Month: February 2010

No lack of good times at Creating Change tonight

First of all, if you’re following the Creating Change feed, it’s kind of addicting, like a reality show, only without the images. Continuous hashtags and retweets keep the feed moving along. I’m expecting a...

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These guys really don't like Rick Perry!

In my e-mail inbox this morning, I got a message titled “An Open Letter to Sarah Palin About Rick Perry From Independent Texans.” I couldn’t resist reading it. The letter is interesting, and I will include the...

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Debra Medina's visit to Log Cabin

Rob Schlein and Debra Medina last August Before she became a household name, Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina spoke at a meeting of Log Cabin Republicans of Dallas last August. Medina is the only one of the...

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Creating Change: Day 3

Rebecca Voelkel and Pedro Julio Serrano at Creating Change I’m on my way down to the Sheraton Hotel for more of the great Creating Change conference. Meeting so many activists from across the country has been exhilirating....

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