Month: February 2010

Pic of the Day — T(ina).O.

This one’s for all you Cowboys fans losers out there. Via Towleroad, it’s T.O. (remember him???) sporting a Tina Turner-style wig and showing off his man-boobs last night during New York Fashion...

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Hopefully, the picture works now

For some reason, one of the graphics in a post from yesterday — here — about Sarah Palin didn’t work. So I have reloaded it. And from my vantage point, it works. But it worked for me yesterday, too, and not anyone else. I...

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Pride House at the Olympics is a hit

If you’re like me, you’ve ignored those you care about to partake in as much TV Olympic action as possible. (Sorry, mom!) And while I’m a sucker for those underdog/feel good stories, I keep wondering if NBC is...

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New Hampshire House defeats marriage repeal effort

Again, according to Pam’s House Blend, the New Hampshire House of Representatives has just killed legislation attempting to repeal the law allowing same-sex marriage in that state. The vote was 210-109.контекстаня...

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New Hampshire House defeats amendment proposal

Just got word from Pam at Pam’s House Blend that the New Hampshire House of Representatives has defeated a proposal to put on the ballot in that state a constitutional amendment limiting legal marriage to unions between...

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