Month: February 2010

Big Brother really IS watching!

I heard a story about this situation this morning on the TV news as I was getting ready for work, and then I found this AP story about it. Lower Merion School District in Philadelphia issues laptops to all its high school...

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Mariah Carey at Nokia last night

Remember when Mariah Carey was a hot mess a few years ago? I don’t think she’s quite done with that whole stint just yet. Last night’s show had “train wreck” written all over it. And then...

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Radnofsky slams Abbott over gay divorce

Barbara Ann Radnofsky In my story for today’s Voice about the gay divorce case out of Austin, I mentioned that Democratic AG candidate Barbara Ann Radnofsky has said she believes our constitutional amendment banning...

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Meet some candidates

The Democratic and Republican Primaries are coming up quick — in just a little over two weeks — and early voting ends in a week. But Brendan P. Haymaker, a candidate for chair of Precinct 3200, is giving you one more chance to...

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