Month: February 2010

Arrest warrant issued for Lisa Miller

Lisa Miller An arrest warrant has been issued for Lisa Miller, according to Associated Press. Miller is the woman who had a child with her partner, Janet Jenkins, in Vermont. When the couple split, Miller moved to Virginia,...

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Vote for a hero

I just got an e-mail from “Shelly and Ellen,” and although I don’t know who they are, I opened it up and read it. The e-mail is basically a request to vote for their friend, Cathy Speck, who is “in a...

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The Morning News drops another H-bomb

Just when we thought The Dallas Morning News might be making a little progress on LGBT issues, they’ve gone and dropped another H-bomb. In this story posted on The DMN’s Web site this afternoon, the newspaper reports...

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Sorba's 'sordid' past

Yesterday here on Instant Tea, I posted this blog about apparent rifts in the ranks of those calling themselves conservative activists. It included a video of Ryan Sorba of California Young Americans for Freedom who was supposed...

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