Month: January 2009


SEGAL’S GAY ICONS George Segal is generally credited with creating the first permanent piece of public art related to gay rights. His white bronze work called "Gay Liberation," in Sheridan Square in New...

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The chicken and the egg

By Arnold Wayne Jones Stage CriticGenesis gets a makeover (not always a good one) at DTC; kid-lit goes Left at DCT I went into "In the Beginning," the Dallas Theater Center’s world premiere, newly-minted...

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The really scary thing

By Hardy Haberman blklthrjkt@aol.comHave the straights co-opted the gay Halloween celebration on Cedar Springs? Please say it isn’t so! Overheard at the Halloween street party on Cedar Springs: "Someone told me this...

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Letters • October 30, 2009

Put organ donors first on transplant list David Taffet’s story about Dr. Nick Bellos’ HIV patient ("Transplant patient breaks new ground," Dallas Voice, Oct. 23) highlighted the tragic shortage of human...

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