Month: September 2008

Gay Dallas man murdered, dismembered

An openly gay Dallas man was murdered and dismembered inside his apartment on or before Sept. 4, according to police, and the jailed suspect’s father speculated that his son was involved in prostitution. However, one...

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I hope these things don't run in threes

Every year, the Dallas-Fort Worth Theater Critics Forum,  a group of stage critics (including me) who cover North Texas theater, get together in early September on a Saturday to meet and bestow our awards on the best of the...

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Since when are pigs the same as pitbulls?

One thing about the McSame-Palin campaign: They got some big balls. Going with Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” comment, they just released this video. Didn’t Palin compare hockey moms with...

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Palin image appears at Uptown Which Wich

The gay blog Good As You has the latest on Sarah Palin’s church’s promotion of an “ex-gay” therapy program. If there’s a silver lining in the dark cloud that is Palin, it may be the mainstream...

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Gay Dallas man murdered: Did anyone know him?

Richard Hernandez, a  gay Far North Dallas man who’s been missing for a week, is now presumed dead, and his alleged killer is in custody, according to this story in The Dallas Morning News. Seth Lawton Winder, 29, a...

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